Hi there! I'd like to add more creative souls to my creative team!
So if you'd like to work with my designs for free (and with me of course

then I warmly invite you to send in your application

- Must have a blog
- Must have either a Facebook or Twitter account (if you have both then much better!)
- Must have a gallery
- 1 layout per kit (I make an average of 2 kits per month.
Yeah I'm a slow designer, bite me!

- Actively participate in my personal forum and MScraps forum
- Post your layouts using my kits in galleries, Facebook, your blog
and pretty much anywhere you won't get into trouble for posting them

- Preferably a flexible, fun-loving and great team player!
(If you own a house full of cats or dogs, you're in

Please email your applications to
doodelle at gmail dot com
together with the following info:
- Name
- Links to your blog, Facebook or Twitter,
and your most complete online gallery
- Your current CT's (if any) and past CT experience (if applicable)
- A little something about yourself. (All info you send to me will be considered highly classified!
Even the US Army won't get their hands on it, I swear

October 13, 2010
5 croaks:
at: October 6, 2010 at 2:52 PM said...
I can't wait to see who will join our team!!! :)
at: October 6, 2010 at 5:39 PM said...
i'l try to send you a mail but "No matches found"
at: October 6, 2010 at 11:20 PM said...
murag ako nlng man ang wlay ct ani. hahaha... now, i'm thinking to have a ct call myself, too. pro kaya kya sa ako powers ang maghimo ug 2 kits per month? ngek...
can't wait to see who'll be added on your team rach. they'll be lucky to be in yout team jud.
at: October 7, 2010 at 7:52 AM said...
OMG... I have been waiting your whole designing life for this call!!!!
at: October 11, 2010 at 11:11 AM said...
Oh.. you have mail girlie!!!:)
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